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The origin and meaning of our family names

What does "Bieri" actually mean? Were his ancestors beer brewers? When did surnames originate? Why do so many surnames end with an "i"? Was a "Meier" really a flower seller? Funny anecdotes about family names and their origins in a presentation about 1 - 1.5 hours show the puzzle solution.

Cost CHF 150.- for general lectures
Cost CHF 250.- for previous name analyzes (up to 15 family names)
Special wishes by arrangement, on such things as family crest.

Economic and social history from 1550 to 1850

How and from what our ancestors lived in the Emmental, get to know the social and cultural environment and the influence of the church on the life of the ancestors. This journey through the life of our ancestors takes about 1.5 hours and

costs CHF 150.-


Introduction to heraldry

Heraldry interests many. Everyone wants to have a family crest and is sometimes very disappointed when lack of clarity occurs at once. "The grandfather led already the coat of arms make here," it says. But the family crest must also meet certain criteria and be correct. Almost everything about family crests in 1 hour and

costs CHF 150.–


Eating and drinking in the Emmental

Eating and drinking in the Emmental

Since when is cheese made in the Emmental? What do you eat when you have no bread? What did our ancestors care about in pig breeding? This ramble through the kitchens of our Emmental ancestors takes about 2 hours and

costs CHF 200.–